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Grab & Run Bag for Humans
Grab & Run Bag for Kitty
Kitty Carriers
Nifty Grab & Run Accessories!


Grab & Run Bags


In California, our Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has reminded us that we face earthquakes and wild fires, as well as threats of terrorism and disease outbreaks like pandemic flu.  The clear response to all these threats is simple:  “Be Ready.”


A Grab-Run Bag is for those emergencies that require you to leave your home immediately.  Most of the literature on Grab-Run bags recommends that you have a three-day supply of food and water.  However, I can think of a whole lot of scenarios where your Grab-Run Bag(s) can come in real handy right at home during an emergency that has confined you to your residence.


We use duffle bags on rollers to make it easier to transport the bags. Before you decide that these are too big, you may want to consider the contents to see if there are items that you could live without. If so, you can always package less than what I’ve done here into a smaller bag(s). The size of your bag and its contents should reflect your unique needs. Later we will be providing a checklist of what our bags contain. My wife’s bag differs from mine only in the toiletry items she has packed.


My plan includes a bag for my wife, a bag for myself, and a bag for our two cats. We lost our dog due to old age so we only need a bag for our two cats.  We also have a carrier bag for each cat. We are in the process of planning a bag for our huge scarlet macaw. For now, we only have a carrier about the size of a big dog. Whatever your particular needs are for your pets, you should include them in your plan.


Please look over the pictures of the bag's contents. One of the storage bags has a mini drug store with over the counter items, everything we can think we may need.


You are welcome to take our ideas and put together your bags yourself.





Multiple Views of the
Grab & Run Bag for Humans

Grab & Run Bag for Humans--Includes All This and More!

Grab & Run Bag [With Contents Inside]

One For Each Family Member

Packing Suggestion

What Is In Here, George? :-)

Drinking Water, Water-Resistant Poncho With Hood

Toilet Paper, Moist Wipes

Toiletries Selection

Waterproof Blanket

First Aid Kit

Terry Cloth Pillow

Radio, Flashlight, Latex Gloves, More!

Ready-To-Eat Meal [Shelf Life, 5 Yrs.]

Enough Ready-To-Eat Meals to Last Three Days

Ready-To-Eat Meal With Warmer

Snacks [Shelf Life, 5 Yrs.]

Juice and Nuts

Protein Bars and Other Goodies

Disinfecting Wipes

Gloves, Jeans, and Warm Jacket

Shorts, Socks, T-Shirt, Jogger

Comfortable Shoes

Zipper Bags [Included in Grab & Run Bag]

Zipper Bags Opened [Contents Included]


Multiple Views of the
Grab & Run Bag for Kitty

Grab & Run Bag for Kitty--Includes All This!

Grab & Run Bag for Kitty


Multiple Views of the
Kitty Carriers

Kitty Carriers [Contents Not Included ;-)]


Multiple Views of the
Nifty Grab & Run Accessories!

Empty Grab & Run Bags for Your Accessories

Utility Bags

Vacuum-Seal Bags

Ziploc Bags

Trash Bags

Lined Writing Tablets, Note Pads

Emergency Poncho With Hood

Warm Jacket

Cozy Blanket

Bath Towels

"Swiss Army Knife"

Stainless Steel Multi-Function Tool With Case

Scissors With Sharpener

Battery-Less, Wind-To-Charge LED Flashlight

Kleenex Pocket Packs [Eight Packs]

Reading Material